Part 37: Soviets - Proving Grounds
Proving Grounds
Proving Grounds

General Topolov wastes no time in detailing the Allied plans and what he expects of you, and assigns your first task with defending a base of operations in the Ukraine.

-- . ... ... .- --. . / -.-. --- -- / .... --.- ... / ... . ...- . -.

Location: Unknown, Ukraine
Objective: Prevent the Allies from destroying our base of operations in the area.
Briefing: Information on our new Advanced Tactical Submarine was leaked to the Allies, and they have invaded our territory, determined to stop us. You must stop them. Regain control of our bases as they are revealed by the signal flares. Do no let any Allied attacks stop you. We have received word that a detachment of cruisers is on its way here. Once you recover the sub pen, use the new ATS to prevent the cruisers from destroying our operation.
Author's note: A fun, if basic, map to start off the Soviet side of Counterstrike.

Name: Gen. Topolov
Aliases: Unknown
Affiliation: Soviet
Occupation: General in the Soviet Forces
Voiced/Played by: Alan Charof
General Topolov wastes no time in detailing the Allied plans and what he expects of you. Also hates the Allied horonosfiere.